College Advisory Program
About College Advisory Program
The College Advisory Program (C.A.P.) provides high school age players and their parents with an introduction to the college recruiting, scholarship, financial support, and selection process. This process can be bewildering at times and the intent of the C.A.P. is to offer factual advice and assist in every way possible. The Rush Soccer staff will provide guidance. Own your future. Take responsibility.

CA Rush has partnered with Aces Nation to provide all current members with a free profile utilizing its College Fit Finder system. All high school aged players competing with California Rush will have access to update their own profiles online and start the recruitment process. With free video uploads, email templates, eligibility tracking, and much more, there’s no easier way to get the exposure you need, check with your coach for your login info and start working on your account below:

“Where the Trails of Passion and Purpose
Meet, Begins the Path to Victory"