About Training Ground
Training Ground is one of many programs that California Rush Soccer Club has to offer its members. This is an eight-week program designed and modeled after the elite programs of European professional clubs. Training Ground programs have existed in many top programs in Europe for the past 30 years. Players like David Beckham (LA Galaxy), Lionel Messi (Barcelona/PSG), Fernando Torres (Chelsea) and Cristiano Ronaldo (Real Madrid) began their careers as soccer-crazed eight year olds. As a direct result of the consistent training that they received through such schools, now they are regarded as the world’s elite players.
The program will improve their creativity and technical skills, expand their awareness about the game in different cultures as well as its systems and positional play, and set new standards and goals.

curriculum is designed in conjunction with the competitive staff-training curriculum. It is designed to compliment the future game as well as to address the immediate needs of the youngsters. It is a combination of technical and tactical topics with emphasis mostly on technical development of the players. The curriculum will cover important topics such as:
● Dribbling, including shielding and taking a player on
● Finishing, the technical aspects of bending, instep, placement combined with where and how to line-up
● Passing, striking the ball with a variety of surfaces, deception and the weight of your pass will be introduced
● Receiving and turning with the ball
● Shielding, protecting the ball with the body
● Heading, introduction with the older age groups
● Offensive, small group combinations, small group shape will be introduced
● Defending, players know they must work hard to get ball back
If your desire and passion is to grow and excel in the game of soccer, then perhaps Training Ground is for you.

“Where the Trails of Passion and Purpose
Meet, Begins the Path to Victory"